
A glossary of global art terms, alongside jargon and phrases coined in Southeast Asia. These definitions cite examples of artists, exhibitions, techniques, and more, in which the phrases have been applied.

  • Land art

    Land art, also known as earth or environmental art, is art that is made directly in thelandscape,sculpting the land itself into earthworks or making structures in thelandscapeusing natural materials such as rocks or twigs. It can also be art in which artists make artworks in an art space, such as a gallery or museum, by bringing in material from the landscape and using it to create installations. Source: and AWDB team. AWDB highlighted artist: Ruangsak Anuwatwimon. 
  • Landscape

  • Lumbung

    Lumbung is the Indonesian word for a communal rice-barn, where the surplus harvest is stored for the benefit of the community. As an artistic and economic model, it is rooted in principals such as collectivity, communal resource sharing, and equal allocation. AWDB highlighted organisation: Lumbung was embodied in all parts of the collaboration and 'documenta15' exhibition, curated by the Indonesian artist collective ruangrupa.