Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee

b. 1994, Singapore
Lives and works in London, UK

Elizabeth Gabrielle Lee navigates the nuances and intricacies that arise out of history and memory. Themes of displacement and nostalgia weave in and out of her storytelling, whilst working upon central human issues such as belonging and loss. Drawing from the politics of identity, ethnography, and linguistics, her work is an attempt to re-examine the structures of recall and perception. By negotiating the ‘Us’-and-‘Them’ dynamic through visual and textual interventions, her practice works to rethink a singular history, steering narratives toward alternate and fluid terrains.

Lee also runs XING – a research platform centered on the poetics and politics of Southeast and East Asian art discourse. Assuming form of a shapeshifter, it morphs between localities and temporalities; with(in)flux. A domain of not-yet possibilities, the platform attempts to dismantle matrices concerned with the region from non- dominant perspectives.

Country: Singapore