Bui Cong Khanh

b. 1972, Da Nang, Vietnam
Lives and works in Hoi An, Vietnam

Bui Cong Khanh is an artist deeply fascinated with social assumptions of cultural heritage. He was one of the first local artists to gain an international reputation in the 1990s, with performances questioning restrictions of installation, video and drawing, showcasing his works across the South East Asian region and beyond.

Born in 1972 in Da Nang, a coastal city dominated by American Gls during the Vietnam War, Bui Cong Khanh grew up in Hoi An, a nearby historic trading port that was a bustling immigrant town for Chinese and Japanese merchants since the 18th Century. His art often reflects the complex interwoven history of Vietnam, examining its resilient, yet destructive dance between colonial occupation, political independence and economic progress.

Bui Cong Khanh is a well-respected artist within his community and his art continues to grow through historical research, a marriage of the visual arts with conceptual methods not taught within the educational system of Vietnam.

Biography information from www.buicongkhanh.com, September 2022

Country: Vietnam