Kuncir Sathya Viku

b. 1990, Bali, Indonesia
Lives and works in Bali, Indonesia

Kuncir Sathya Viku graduated from Denpasar Institute of Art in 2013 with a degree in Visual Communication Design, and worked as a Graphic Designer for several years before he decided to make a path of his own. Infusing his training as a rerajahan (visual mantra) illustrator for his father – a balian (Balinese shaman), combined with his artistic experiences working with murals on the streets, Kuncir explores lines and forms that are rooted in Balinese visual language.

Bringing into play his satirical wit, Kuncir composes global-local (‘glocal’) disruptions where forms are enchanted between tradition-modernity. He transmits hybrid shamanistic visuals – merging comic impressions with rerajahan traits and a touch of pop surrealism. Working across drawings, paintings and installations, Kuncir creates progressive narratives and evaluations on Balinese surrealism and ‘glocal’ social issues; often where clashes between modernity-tradition, conservative-liberal, spirituality-profanity, norms-exceptions and so forth take place.

Biography information from Mizuma Gallery, July 2023

Country: Indonesia
Social Media: @kuncirsv