Corinne De San Jose

b. 1977, Bacolod, Philippines
Lives and works in Manila, Philippines

Corinne De San Jose is an interdisciplinary media artist based in the Philippines. Her works range from printmaking and video art to sculptures and sound installations, reflecting complex systems that interact among these different forms. They deal with the different processes between materiality and the inherent performativity to explore other possibilities of perceiving her own environment within and around.

De San Jose started her practice as a professional sound engineer eventually becoming an award-winning sound designer for movies, collaborating with Filipino directors including Lav Diaz, Erik Matti, and Raya Martin. Her work in the film industry has led to De San Jose’s early visual practice in photography, where she captures inanimate objects and landscapes as dynamic characters in visual narratives. She has also worked on “camera-less photographs” by directly exposing filmic materials to different ecological surroundings, creating elemental works that reveal both intrinsic and observational qualities. Her recent work involves the use of outmoded forms of communication (such as early film/animation devices, alternative photographic processes, radios, etc.) juxtaposing them with current and imagined technologies, to create new systems of storytelling.

The repetitive nature of De San Jose’s documentations of her own personal interests, mainly revolving around the female body and her gaze, reveal other scopes of identity such as her own domesticity and habitation within the nature of systemic social values in her own culture. She is currently researching on the histories of the female narrative, particularly within anthropological mysticism and the early Filipino movies.

De San Jose has shown her work in solo and group shows in the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Paris. She is currently represented by Silverlens Galleries in Manila.

Biography information from Silverlens Galleries, December 2022

Country: Philippines
Social Media: @corinne_desanjose