Ash Ghazali

b. 1975, Singapore
Lives and works in London, UK

Ash Ghazali was born in Singapore and raised between Singapore and London, UK. His decades long experience as an acclaimed creative director in advertising took a turn when he decided to focus on his art practice of tearing, slashing, and disrupting the purity of the canvas.

Taking a blade to fabric may not typically be described as ‘painting’, yet in Ghazali’s series of “CUTS”, he applies minimal formalism to a variety of fabric materials. From the cultural costumes of his heritage to vintage salvaged linen, on one level these bricolages are explorations in the balance of pattern and design, but as assumed paintings they rupture that ’safe’ pictorial flatness to exist as completely unique forms.

In a language that is both nuanced and direct, Ghazali’s works mirror his own ethos – one that is nothing but a strive for the uncompromising.

Biography information from, August 2022

Country: Singapore
Social Media: @ashghazali